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Endnote, Study Tips & Library Survival Skills (SUND)
The University Library invites you to #HappyLibrary pop-up event, where you to can get a light intro to study techniques or / and survival tips to the library. If you can answer yes to at least one of the questions below, why not pop by...?
- Are you new at SDU?
- Do you feel, that there is way too much to read?
- Could you do with some reading techniques?
- Is it difficult to understand what the lecturers are saying?
- Would you like to get to know the University Library a bit better?
- Or see, how you can get access to newspapers from home?
- Perhaps you just need a cup of coffee?
You bring the questions. We provide the answers, coffee and some sweets.
There is no agenda.
You just show up. Registration is not necessary.
Where to find us?
Forten N - SUND
Related LibGuide: Health Sciences by Berit Elisabeth Alving
- Date:
- 09/05/2025
- Time:
- 11:30 - 13:30
- Campus:
- Odense
- Audience:
- Studerende
- Categories:
- Biblioteksintro In English Informationssøgning Opgaveskrivning Referencehåndtering Special Events Studieteknik Sundhedsvidenskab