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Advanced EndNote Workshop PC & Mac (English)

Advanced EndNote Workshop PC & Mac (English) Online

This workshop is targeted students and employees, who are experienced in the basic features, and wish to learn about additional EndNote features.

Preparation approx. 1 hour: Get familiar with the Endnote21 Guide and go through part 2 and 3. Please note when you sign up if you have any specifc EndNote needs.

Course content: We will work 1½ hours with the following additional features in the program.

  1. Share your EndNote library with others - https://libguides.sdu.dk/endnote21/del_referencer
  2. Use EndNote with Google Docs https://libguides.sdu.dk/endnote21/googledocs
  3. About styles - https://libguides.sdu.dk/endnote21/styles
  4. Check for duplicates - https://libguides.sdu.dk/endnote21/dubletter
  5. Updating references - https://libguides.sdu.dk/endnote21/opdater_referencer
  6. Categorizing references in the bibliography - https://libguides.sdu.dk/endnote21/kapitelopdelt_referenceliste

There will be time for questions during the course.

Please note: In order to gain an optimal learning outcome from this course, you must have used EndNote for a while, so you are experienced in the basic features: downloading and creating references as well as using them in a word document. If EndNote is still new to you, please sign up for the "Learn how to use EndNote" course in stead.

The workshop is for both Mac and Windows users. It will take place on Zoom and the course language will be in English.

See you then!

Related LibGuide: EndNote21-guiden by Kirstin Remvig

13:15 - 14:45
  Ansatte     Ph.d.     Studerende  
  In English     Referencehåndtering  
This is an online event. Event URL will be sent via registration email.

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Profile photo of Berit Elisabeth Alving
Berit Elisabeth Alving

Kommende kurser