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Learn how to use EndNote (Mac/English) 

Learn how to use EndNote (Mac/English)  Online

This workshop is for students and employees, who wish to learn to use EndNote in the Mac version.

We will work 1½ hours with selected tasks related the basic features of the program.

  • Download references to EndNote.
  • Create references manually in EndNote.
  • Insert EndNote references in Word documents.

There will be time for questions during the course.

Important! We expect you the prepare for the course for about 1 hour. Otherwise you won't get anything out of the course.


  1. Complete "Part 1. Getting started with EndNote” in the EndNote21 Guide (use the Chrome browser settings for instant translation of webpages).
    EndNote should be installed before you join the course. (There won't be time for installation issues during the course). 
  2. Consider and decide which reference style, you want to use and make sure you understand the style at a general level. See the table at https://mitsdu.dk/da/service/bib/referer-korrekt
  3. Get familiar with the EndNote21 guide.

If you encounter any problems installing the program please contact the course instructor at least a day before the course. You can also get help from SDU IT.

The workshop is for Mac users. It will take place on Zoom and the course language will be in English.

See you then!

Related LibGuide: EndNote21-guiden by Kirstin Remvig

10:00 - 11:30
  Alle SDU  
  In English     Referencehåndtering  
This is an online event. Event URL will be sent via registration email.

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Profile photo of Tobias Albrecht
Tobias Albrecht

Kommende kurser